A Letter A Day

One year, 365 letters. A letter a day. My resolution for 2006. I’ve always enjoyed writing letters and I want to get back in the habit. I'm not limiting myself to a letter a day. 365 is just the minimum. My goal is to get a 20% response rate. This is the official chronicle of my “year of writing letters.” Thanks for reading! - Chris Lucas

Location: Meadowlands, New Jersey, United States

Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 4th

I've been living in the NYC area my whole life and have been to Lincoln Center many many times, but never took the opportunity to see the NY Philharmonic - one of the world's finest orchestras - perform in person (shame on me!) Until today, that is. I was priveledged to be able to sit in on a rehearsal of their opening night performance. It was an incredible experience, and a joy to watch fellow artists at work in a relaxed setting. I'm sending a note to the conductor to let him know how much I enjoyed it.

Lorin Maazel


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