A Letter A Day

One year, 365 letters. A letter a day. My resolution for 2006. I’ve always enjoyed writing letters and I want to get back in the habit. I'm not limiting myself to a letter a day. 365 is just the minimum. My goal is to get a 20% response rate. This is the official chronicle of my “year of writing letters.” Thanks for reading! - Chris Lucas

Location: Meadowlands, New Jersey, United States

Sunday, May 07, 2006

May 5th

I saw the Tony Award winning Broadway show "Hairspray" tonight. It's been playing for a few years, but I haven't had the opportunity to see it before this evening. It was all I expected, and more. I left the theater still humming the music (the mark of a good show in my book.) The play takes place in 1962 Baltimore, and is filled with musical homages to that era. I already knew the plot, because I'd seen the movie version on which this musical is based when it debuted years ago. (Ricki Lake was the star.) The cast was excellent, and consisted of Broadway veterans, comedians, a 60's rock icon, and an American Idol finalist. I'm sending a note to a few of them, as well as the creator of the original film.

Judine Somerville

John Pinette

Kevin Meaney

Darlene Love

Diana DeGarmo

John Waters


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