A Letter A Day

One year, 365 letters. A letter a day. My resolution for 2006. I’ve always enjoyed writing letters and I want to get back in the habit. I'm not limiting myself to a letter a day. 365 is just the minimum. My goal is to get a 20% response rate. This is the official chronicle of my “year of writing letters.” Thanks for reading! - Chris Lucas

Location: Meadowlands, New Jersey, United States

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A "triple threat" replies

Brian Stokes Mitchell

Reference date: June 11th

I wrote to one of my favorite all time theater people, Tony winner Brian Stokes Mitchell, who is a classic "triple threat" - meaning that he can act, dance, and sing with equal skill. I first saw this rare talent in "Ragtime" on Broadway. Since then, I've seen him in "Kiss Me Kate" and "Man of LaMancha." He also just released a solo album.

He was nice enough to send me an email in response to my questions about the business. This was his reply:


Thanks for the kind words. Here are a few quick answers to your questions:

First, learn to listen to your heart - then always follow it and trust it- that also means when you no longer have the heart to pursue entertainment as a goal to listen to it.

You will know the pitfalls when you see them - they are different for everyone- avoid all of them!! :-)

Don't get so mono focused on your goal of becoming an actor that you miss all the great life going by! Also have something else you like to do that you can fall back on between jobs (other than waiting tables, etc.) Most of our time as actors is spent "between jobs".

The most valuable lesson I've ever learned is to follow my heart.

Finally, never stop challenging yourself and study, study study!!!

I wish you the best with whatever life presents you! -

Brian Stokes Mitchell

I thanked him by email the same day.


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