A Letter A Day

One year, 365 letters. A letter a day. My resolution for 2006. I’ve always enjoyed writing letters and I want to get back in the habit. I'm not limiting myself to a letter a day. 365 is just the minimum. My goal is to get a 20% response rate. This is the official chronicle of my “year of writing letters.” Thanks for reading! - Chris Lucas

Location: Meadowlands, New Jersey, United States

Thursday, June 01, 2006

June 1st

Hurricane season begins today. I live in the North Atlantic region, and we haven't had a bad one in a long time (unlike the south Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, which has seen lots of activity in the last few years.) This year seems like it will be busy as well, and they are saying that my area is due for a major storm. The man who is in charge of these predictions is my letter recipient for today. I'm sure he's busy, so I won't expect a reply until after hurricane season is over in October, but you never know.

Max Mayfield


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