A Letter A Day

One year, 365 letters. A letter a day. My resolution for 2006. I’ve always enjoyed writing letters and I want to get back in the habit. I'm not limiting myself to a letter a day. 365 is just the minimum. My goal is to get a 20% response rate. This is the official chronicle of my “year of writing letters.” Thanks for reading! - Chris Lucas

Location: Meadowlands, New Jersey, United States

Friday, January 26, 2007

"Flick" responds

Zack Ward

Reference Date: December 24th

On Christmas Eve, I sent letters to a few cast members of the film "A Christmas Story" which is rerun over and over again on that night. One of my favorite characters in that film is Flick, the bully that torments the hero Ralphie. Flick is famous for wearing a fur hat and having a menacing glare. This redhead struck fear into the hearts of many.

In reality, Flick was played by a very talented actor, Zack Ward. who successfully transitioned from childhood stardom to featured roles as an adult, including the hit FOX sitcom "Titus." This Summer, he will be seen in the highly anticipated sci fi flick, "Transformers", based on the toys from the 1980's.

I wrote to commend Mr. Ward on his work over the years, and to ask him for advice. This was his response, via his MySpace page:


Wow, that's quite a compliment. Thank you.

I've got nothing pithy to say off the top of my head in regard to advice. I started really young and my mother was an actress so I watched. I think my first acting experience was dressing up in old clothes and Halloween costumes with my friends and marching around the block pretending we were a parade, in July, cause we were playing. I think playing is the key. Enjoying the process.

As a kid I didn't do it for any specific end except it was fun and I could be my literary and comic book heroes. It was freedom. The kind you only vaguely remember when you're an adult. But the light of that is why we love childrens laughter, how free it is, in a way we never are any more. I try to play. To fall in love and play. And it's hard and sucky and people are mean. But sometimes none of that matters cause I'm playing.

I gotta get some sleep, I'm rambling. But keep writing and maybe we can figure it out sometime.

Take care, and thanks again.


I replied immediately with a thank you.


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